One adoptees' attempt to explore the conflicting feelings of having been adopted, and the impact this has had on her life, her choices and her experiences. Welcome to "The Adoption Void."

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Location: Northeast, Ohio, United States

I am a female adoptee born in May of 1971. I initially began this journey to explore my feelings about my adoption and to decide if I wanted to seek out my birth family. I have since been happily reunited with my birth siblings! I do have more than one blog on - one for adoption, one for everything else. Unless adoption has touched your life, you'll probably find the "everything else" much more fun to read!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"I have yet to find the shelf inside my soul all of this belongs on."

Another adoptee I've met on the message board for the Chosen Babies website said this in a post today. Thank you, Mia, for your permission to quote you!
It struck me as an extremely accurate description of what has been happening to me. And obviously, it feels very good to have someone else voicing my own feelings. It's yet another acknowledgment that I am not alone in feeling this way.
On a conscious level, I know that I am not alone in my feelings. Every day, I come across posts where someone makes a statement which exactly mirrors what I've felt about various situations or issues. And yet, it's easy to slip into that space where I feel isolated or feel that no one can possibly understand.
I see how hard my husband tries to 'get it.' Since he knows he can't, he simply does the next best thing by supporting me in all ways.
I know just how lucky I am in that.


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